Friday, July 28, 2006

Tech Support Call #5437890634

I just had to post this. My girl, LL, just sent me this email:

This is the details of the ticket that someone just sent to me:

"user stated his laptop is at the airport at the lost and found area...he stated the laptop was left there while security was checking his bags....user is part of your team, I transferred the ticket to your tech support as user stated laptop was left there every since yesterday morning....user stated he has contacted the lost and found at the airport but don't know how to go about getting the laptop back"


A group of friends came up with viable options for her.

KL said: You are supposed to activate the tracking device in the laptop that doubles as a robot that will carry the laptop back to him, duh!!

TD said: HAHAHA "user stated he has contacted the lost and found at the airport but don't know how to go about getting the laptop back"... Ah dude you don’t know where security is?? You don’t deserve your laptop back. Can someone fire this man please?

TM said: Tell him to put up a ransom and maybe he can get it back. Or maybe since you are tech support you can beam into the laptop and yell through the speakers. "THIS COMPUTER IS DUE TO SELF DESTRUCT, PLEASE RETURN IT IMMEDIATELY"

By these responses, I assume you can tell why I am friends with these ladies, I couldn't have come up with better responses myself!


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

...and the end of ignorance? Probably not.

Let's be real.  Fighting ignorance is like fighting sleep, except that giving in to to sleep is a lot less painful and beneficial health wise. But you know what, we like the good fight, and that's exactly what this is. You see, we provide a public service. I've come up on the knowledge that not only is it to learn from your stupidity mistakes, it's also good to learn from others stupidity as well. So bring us your tales of foolishness and ignorance, and we will do the rest. Even if the stupidity was your own. Don't be afraid. Acknowledgment is the first step to recovery. While we know we can't stop stupidity, we can plunk it it in the head repeatedly. And maybe we all can learn from it and grow.

     So, since my esteemed colleague set it off so nicely, there is not much more for me to say. Bring us your ills. We hope to enlighten yours...and clown every idiot in the process. :)

Like L said, you can send your stories to either one of us directly or send it here. We will get it either way.


Monday, July 24, 2006

The beginning of the madness...

So I guess I will start this out. Rodney and I got the idea to start this blog off of a post I did on my other blog, Phat to Fabulous, entitled, "I See Stupid People." The post was just that, I was fed up with the ignorance I encountered everyday and just needed to verify with my friends that I wasn't the only one seeing the stupid people. I wanted to make sure I wasn't the only person that was blessed with knowing them, whether I wanted to or not.

This blog will be just the same as that post. You offer up information on some of the stupid people you encounter on the daily and we will help you come up with imaginative ways to deal with their ignorance. We may offer tales of our own encounters with DAPs (Dumb Ass People) for your entertainment. If you have stories you want to share and seek our advice, you can send an email to ~L~ or Rodney and we will do our best to help you make sure you don't lose anymore brain cells! I can tell this is going to be fun! Keep hope alive for a stupidity free world!
