Wednesday, July 26, 2006

...and the end of ignorance? Probably not.

Let's be real.  Fighting ignorance is like fighting sleep, except that giving in to to sleep is a lot less painful and beneficial health wise. But you know what, we like the good fight, and that's exactly what this is. You see, we provide a public service. I've come up on the knowledge that not only is it to learn from your stupidity mistakes, it's also good to learn from others stupidity as well. So bring us your tales of foolishness and ignorance, and we will do the rest. Even if the stupidity was your own. Don't be afraid. Acknowledgment is the first step to recovery. While we know we can't stop stupidity, we can plunk it it in the head repeatedly. And maybe we all can learn from it and grow.

     So, since my esteemed colleague set it off so nicely, there is not much more for me to say. Bring us your ills. We hope to enlighten yours...and clown every idiot in the process. :)

Like L said, you can send your stories to either one of us directly or send it here. We will get it either way.


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